Tag Archives: everything is a graveyard

Another review of Everything is a Graveyard

Hey folks! Have had fun during Author August (especially my visit to Flinders University yesterday) but I’ll blog about everything in earnest when August is done and dusted.

In the meantime, I’ve just spotted another Fischery review in the wild, this time from my long-beloved Antipodean SF. 10 years ago to the month they published my first short story, now they are reviewing my book of short stories! Lovely circular serendipity, that.


Anywho, of my book EVERYTHING IS A GRAVEYARD, reviewer Jean M Gordon says:

“I’m not generally a fan of the macabre, and I tend to like my post-apocalypses full of triumphant remnants of humanity. I am, however, a fan of things done extremely well, and this book fits the bill.”

“Fischer has created several distinct worlds in this short book. Some completely unfamiliar, many quintessentially Australian, and a couple that beg for their own full length story to explore their potential complexity. All of them are vividly drawn and memorable. Possibly too memorable.”

Thanks Jean! For the rest of the review, please click on the following link:


These folks are wonderful and gave me my start, so make sure to stop by and read the other stories and reviews – fun awaits you!

Author August!

August seems to be the time of year I crawl out from under my rock, put on a pair of pants and make some public appearances. This year being no exception, I shall be at the following events:

  • Collins Booksellers, Edwardstown – National Bookshop Day (9th August , 1:30pm-2:30pm)
  • Flinders University, Writers and Their Worlds – (21st August,  12pm)
  • Dymocks, Adelaide (23rd August, 12pm)

At each of these events I’ll be selling the new print run of my zombie apocalypse novel “Quiver” (snazzy new cover as pictured below) and my short story collection “Everything is a Graveyard”. The Flinders University event is part of a series of intimate author talks, and I’m really looking forward to chatting to folks about my experiences with writing, dispense some hard-won advice, and generally chat about word-wrangling.


If you find yourself in the neighbourhood, drop by and say gudday!

Aurealis Magazine review of “Everything is a Graveyard”

I have loved Aurealis Magazine for a long, long time (I think I’ve still got issue #2 somewhere). It was a great moment when I sold them a story, and they’ve published three of mine now. This was one of my go-to sources when I was first learning about Australian genre writers, and I always got a kick out of the extra material – the reviews, the occasional essay, and of course all the gorgeous artwork.

So it’s especially awesome to see these folks print a review of my short story collection “Everything is a Graveyard” (from Ticonderoga Publications).

Reviewer Alex Stevenson of Aurealis Magazine says:

“Jason Fischer’s new collection of short stories, Everything is a Graveyard, might perhaps be more accurately titled ‘Everything is going to kill you’. Featuring dimension-shifting, soul-sucking witches, a ravening horde of undead camels, and murderous, amputation-happy rednecks—among other things—Everything is a Graveyard is full of messy endings for the few poor souls who inhabit its post- apocalyptic worlds.”


“Tremendously imaginative and a great deal of fun, Everything is a Graveyard makes up for what it lacks in depth with buckets of gore, thrills, and laughs. Zombies, classic Australiana, violence and black humour all abound, and fans of schlock horror should find a lot to enjoy.”

The rest of the review can be read here:


Further information about Aurealis Magazine itself can be found here – honestly, it’s just a great read:


Black Static #39 – Review of “Everything is a Graveyard”

In the latest issue of Black Static, reviewer Peter Tennant analyses a fat stack of Australian genre books, and gives a thorough review of many new works, including my short-story collection “Everything is a Graveyard”.

Peter says “Of all these writers, Jason Fischer is the one who, to my outsider sensibility at least, feels the most Australian, with stories that simply couldn’t happen anywhere other than a land down under…an engaging and thoroughly enjoyable collection showcasing a strong new voice with a distinctive vision.”

To get the latest copy of Black Static (as usual, chock full of fiction, horror news, reviews and all that good stuff) grab a copy at your local newsagent, or it can be ordered online via this link:


New review for “Everything is a Graveyard”

The folks over at ScaryMinds have just released a review of my short story collection “Everything is a Graveyard”. About it they say:

“Jason Fischer’s first collection Everything Is A Graveyard is arguably the best release of tales to chill by this year. A very solid collection of post apocalyptic stories that have a uniqueness about them that will provide you with hours of entertainment while making you wonder why on earth this Author hasn’t released a collection previously. As expected Ticonderoga Publication have produced a polished release that simply states professionalism. Excellent release that is one of the must have books of 2013. Do not miss this collection, it’s destined for cult status, highest recommendation folks.”

10 stars out of 10. Plus many other very kind words by the reviewer. I’m quietly stunned. Best review ever! I always love it when people enjoy my stories, and get a thrill when someone takes the time to write a review.

To read the rest of the review (and see some of the other excellent reviews and content hosted on this site) click on the following link:

It’s Officially Official…

…my debut short story collection “EVERYTHING IS A GRAVEYARD” is, as of today, officially released in all markets. There was a book launch and sales of the book at the Melbourne Zombie Convention, but now, it’s open season on this mad epistle.

Direct from my brain to your hands, you will thrill at the troubles of  minotaurs, and death come shambling, crying, laughing to your door. The beasts of the Outback, now murderous and cunning. Arcologies, mouldering in the twilight of humanity. Lastly, do not forget the muscle cars, tearing through dead cities, burning through the last of the fuel with style.

Don’t just listen to my obviously biased bleatings. Here’s what some others have to say about my new book:

“If you haven’t been reading Jason Fischer, your literary diet is lacking in zest, zing, and essential vitamins. ‘Undead Camels Ate Their Flesh’ is alone worth the price of admission here.” – Gardner Dozois

“Without a doubt Everything is a Graveyard contains a wealth of left-field undead storytelling. But that’s not the whole story. Fischer’s apocalyptic obsessions cover much wider ground than that, from sheer fantasy to the realism of the ever-present threat of dropbears. If zombie tropes, and indeed all apocalypse stories, are about our personal and social attitudes to mortality (and they are), Fischer explores the personal and social absurdities and profundities like few before him.” – Robert Hood

You can buy this book RIGHT NOW. Either through Amazon, or directly from Ticonderoga Publications. May you read, and enjoy 🙂

Of launches and a pub full of rotters!

Wow, what a great weekend! Saturday started with the book launch for my new collection “EVERYTHING IS A GRAVEYARD”, which was great. Nice turn-out of locals at the SA Writers Centre, and the lovely Lisa Hannett did the honour of launching my book. She did an amazing job of analysing my stories and proved once more that she really REALLY knows her stuff. book_signingHere we see the author inserting the obligatory pun into his signature.


 A fat stack of books with my name on the cover! Cool!

A few hours after the Adelaide launch, the Ticonderoga Publications road-show hit the airport, and we went straight over to Melbourne (via the Virgin Lounge – free food and everything!). We caught up with the lovely Angela Rega after her booklaunch (Her “The Cobbler Mage” is an absolutely gorgeous book, BTW – marbling on the in-leaf pages and everything).

Sunday brought us to the the inaugural Melbourne Zombie Convention. The event was sold out, and 600 guests converged on the Royal Melbourne Hotel, decked out as zombies, zombie-hunters, and the occasional bemused “normal”.

Sold a bunch of books (both “Everything is a Graveyard” and my zombie novel “Quiver”), chatted to heaps of folks, caught up with many excellent writers and publishers, and even sat on a panel with other writers to talk all things undead in literature. Had an absolute ball, and even got quoted in The Age:


Many thanks to Russell B Farr and Liz Grzyb of Ticonderoga Publications for taking a leap of faith on my book, and for making this brilliant weekend happen. One very happy author, signing off.

michonne Michonne (excellent  Walking Dead cosplay) buys my books!


 The bad-ass Ticonderoga crew. Most excellent publishers Russell Farr and Liz Grzyb, and yours truly.


Some rotten bugger I bumped into.

EVERYTHING IS A GRAVEYARD – Available for Pre-Order!


“They can take my Torana but they’ll never take my freedom.”

Picture if you will, a warped tome of tales. A bogan love-child of the Necronomicon and Wolf Creek. A book possessing the strength of ten undead camels, the pouncing speed of a thousand drop-bears, and the lurching hop of a pack of zombiefied kangaroos. This is my short-story collection EVERYTHING IS A GRAVEYARD, and it is imminent.

If you can’t make the official book launch in Adelaide on October 5th, or the Melbourne Zombie Convention the day after, be of good cheer. For there is another option at your disposal. Pre-orders are now being taken for this book via the following link, and it will be in stock as of the 11th of November:



Melbourne Zombie Convention

The Melbourne Zombie Convention is imminent! I shall be in attendance, signing copies of “Everything is a Graveyard” and no doubt chatting to many awesome folks. If you are shambling along to this event, make sure to stop by and say hello!

More information on the Melbourne Zombie Convention can be found here, it looks like a truly excellent event:
