Category Archives: Pimping


Tamsyn Webb is back.

Bent but not broken by the world’s end, Tamsyn Webb battles the undead across the post-apocalyptic globe, with a bow in her hands and a smart comment on her lips. Forced to grow up fast in a world that wants her dead, she faces down hordes of rotting monsters, as well as the brutal survivors of this final age.


If she gets through all of that in one piece, it will be an arrow escape…

Since 2009, Tamsyn Webb has been alive in my head. What started off as a one-off novella turned into four, which then became a novel, and now lurches forwards into this new ongoing series, full of ZOMBIES and ACTION and one or two PUNS…

The brand new edition of Quiver has just gone live, and can be purchased either in print or via your favourite e-book seller. I’m super proud of this addition to Argonautica’s stable, with extra polish and a free sneak peek at the upcoming Volume 2: GO TO HELL.

For more information and access to our online store, please visit the following link:


Ecopunk! contents revealed

Very excited that my story “Milk and Honey” has been selected for the Ecopunk! anthology. The brief was intriguing and I think I had half the story down within an hour. I look forward to sharing my tale of cloned Diprotodons, an inland Australian sea, and an alternative colonial future where WW1 never happened…


We’re really pleased to be able to reveal the stories selected by Liz Grzyb and Cat Sparks for the Ecopunk! anthology.

Ecopunk! – speculative tales of radical futures contains 19 optimistic tales, selected by two award-winning editors, showing how humanity can survive and flourish, despite the looming uncertainty from climate change. The incredible line-up includes some of Australia’s best science fiction writers.

  • Adam Browne, “The Radiolarian Violin”
  • Matthew Chrulew, “Future Perfect”
  • Emilie Collyer, “From the Dark”
  • Jason Fischer, “Milk and Honey”
  • Tom Guerney, “The Mangrove Maker”
  • Claire McKenna, “Mr. Mycelium”
  • R. Jean Mathieu, “The City Sunk, “the City Risen”
  • D.K. Mok, “The Wandering Library”
  • Jason Nahrung, “The Today Home”
  • Ian Nichols, “First Flight”
  • Shauna O’Meara, “Island Green”
  • Rivqa Rafael, “Trivalent”
  • Jane Rawson, “The Right Side of History”
  • Jane Routley, “The Scent of Betrayal, “
  • Andrew Sullivan, “The Butterfly Whisperer”
  • Janeen Webb, “Monkey Business”
  • Corey White, “Happy Hunting Ground”
  • Tess Williams, “Broad Church”
  • Marian Womack, “Pink Footed”

Ecopunk! will be published in 2017 by Ticonderoga Publications. Keep an eye on our website for more news.

It’s Give-Away Time! (FIRST 100 ONLY)

Hey folks! Warm up your e-readers, because I have a deal for you. The first 100 people to click this link will get a free copy of my chap-book “Seven Threads”. That’s it! Absolutely free to you.

I’ve put a bunch of my favourite stories into this collection, including a few award winners. This is intended as a sampler for people new to my work, and to bring a smile to those who may have seen these tales in years gone by 🙂

seven threads

All I ask in return is that if you enjoy this book, you consider leaving a review at your favourite retailer or review site, and of course tell your friends. Cheers!

“Defy the Grey Kings” now available at PodCastle

I have long adored the Escape Artists trio of podcasts.  Today I am tickled pink to see my story “Defy the Grey Kings” turned into a beautiful piece of narration, and it is now available for your listening pleasure over at PodCastle.

Even better, this month is Aurealis month over PodCastle, and they promise to have several of the winning and finalist stories from last year in the weeks to come. If you don’t subscribe to PodCastle now, I highly recommend you click that button 🙂



Cthulhu: Deep Down Under

As a writer I like it down, dirty and weird, and it doesn’t get any weirder than the Cthulhu mythos. I was tapped on the shoulder a while back by Aussie writer and editor Christopher Sequira to submit to an Australian-themed Cthulhu anthology he was co-editing. I don’t think I’ve ever said yes to a project so fast!

These folks have attracted some great local writers and artists attached to this project, and the artwork that accompanies each story is simply outstanding. I was lucky enough to work with Shauna O’Meara who gave my story “The Dog Pit” one of the best illustrations I’ve ever had!

The project is getting its official launch at the Armageddon Expo, details as found below. Coming in at over 500 pages, I’m going to have to clear off a Cthulhu-sized space on my brag shelf.

More info about the launch here:

Author August!

August seems to be the time of year I crawl out from under my rock, put on a pair of pants and make some public appearances. This year being no exception, I shall be at the following events:

  • Collins Booksellers, Edwardstown – National Bookshop Day (9th August , 1:30pm-2:30pm)
  • Flinders University, Writers and Their Worlds – (21st August,  12pm)
  • Dymocks, Adelaide (23rd August, 12pm)

At each of these events I’ll be selling the new print run of my zombie apocalypse novel “Quiver” (snazzy new cover as pictured below) and my short story collection “Everything is a Graveyard”. The Flinders University event is part of a series of intimate author talks, and I’m really looking forward to chatting to folks about my experiences with writing, dispense some hard-won advice, and generally chat about word-wrangling.


If you find yourself in the neighbourhood, drop by and say gudday!

Risking the Disapproval of Drusilla the Ditmar Diprotodon


Some of you may remember my friend Drusilla, the Ditmar Diprotodon. This unlikely mascot from the Pleistocene era has been using my blog to spruik Australia’s national science fiction award since she stumbled into our time-stream back in 2011 or so.

Things have changed for Drusilla. She’s discovered coffee, iPads (problematic given her paws) and of course, the vibrant genre fiction scene found in her home continent. I’ve been a bit wary of disturbing her, given that she is apparently “hibernating”. I swung by her place to see if I could get anything useful out of her this year regarding the Ditmar Awards.

JF: Drusilla! Hey, hello! How are you?

DDD: [groans] What do you want? I’m sleeping.

JF: Yeah, I’m calling bullshit on that. Pleistocene-era Australia didn’t snow during winter.

DDD: What would you know? Were you THERE?

JF: Well, no.

DDD: I was. So piss off. [accepts bucket-sized coffee] Okay, you can stay.

JF: Drusilla, did you have anything to say about this year’s Ditmar Award?

DDD: Seriously dude? As if everyone hasn’t nominated yet. Here’s the hyperlink to my usual spiel, just to save everybody time [mashes iPad with her enormous paw]. Argh, I think I broke another one. Jason, can you..?

JF: Sure. Here it is (

DDD: I don’t really have much more to add than the usual – list as many works/people as you think are deserving of the awards. You’re not diluting your nomination by doing so – in fact, you’re ensuring a diverse ballot paper by doing so.

JF:  Thanks Drusilla. Will you – will you help pimp my stuff?

DDD: You have GOT to be kidding. I read your collection, and you didn’t even write a story about Diprotodons.

JF: Well, I mentioned them in that one story.

DDD: You mean the one where your “drop bears” used to eat us. Whatever.

JF: [hands over a bucket of Haigh’s chocolate and a new iPad]

DDD: It’s my pleasure to announce Jason Fischer’s Ditmar eligible works as follows:

Best Novella or Novelette

  • “Everything is a Graveyard”, Jason Fischer, in Everything is a Graveyard, Ticonderoga Publications.

Best Short Story

  • “Art, Ink”, Jason Fischer and Martin Livings, in Antipodean SF 180.
  • “L’Hombre”, Jason Fischer, in Everything is a Graveyard, Ticonderoga Publications.
  • “When the Cheerful Misogynist Came to True-Town”, Jason Fischer, in Everything is a Graveyard, Ticonderoga Publications.

Best Collected Work

  • Everything is a Graveyard by Jason Fischer, edited by Russell B. Farr, Ticonderoga Publications.

DDD: So here’s a (possibly incomplete) list of eligible works, to help jog your memory should you be as sketchy as Mr. Fischer:

DDD:  And here’s the nomination form:

JF: Thanks Drusilla. I’ll just be quietly leaving now.

DDD: [Eating sounds, shortly followed by snoring]


It’s Officially Official…

…my debut short story collection “EVERYTHING IS A GRAVEYARD” is, as of today, officially released in all markets. There was a book launch and sales of the book at the Melbourne Zombie Convention, but now, it’s open season on this mad epistle.

Direct from my brain to your hands, you will thrill at the troubles of  minotaurs, and death come shambling, crying, laughing to your door. The beasts of the Outback, now murderous and cunning. Arcologies, mouldering in the twilight of humanity. Lastly, do not forget the muscle cars, tearing through dead cities, burning through the last of the fuel with style.

Don’t just listen to my obviously biased bleatings. Here’s what some others have to say about my new book:

“If you haven’t been reading Jason Fischer, your literary diet is lacking in zest, zing, and essential vitamins. ‘Undead Camels Ate Their Flesh’ is alone worth the price of admission here.” – Gardner Dozois

“Without a doubt Everything is a Graveyard contains a wealth of left-field undead storytelling. But that’s not the whole story. Fischer’s apocalyptic obsessions cover much wider ground than that, from sheer fantasy to the realism of the ever-present threat of dropbears. If zombie tropes, and indeed all apocalypse stories, are about our personal and social attitudes to mortality (and they are), Fischer explores the personal and social absurdities and profundities like few before him.” – Robert Hood

You can buy this book RIGHT NOW. Either through Amazon, or directly from Ticonderoga Publications. May you read, and enjoy 🙂



Deep in the Goblin Underland beneath The Span, excavators have uncovered a vast ancient complex of galleries and chambers, where glyphs in the stone spell out “Look Ye Upon The Makers of Gods”, and something extremely dangerous is destroying all who enter there. The Goblin King has appealed to the Council of The Span for assistance, and help is sent – but it’s not quite the allied army the Goblins were expecting. When the King refuses to send any Goblin to die with the Council’s party, one unlikely volunteer steps up to represent his kind.

Thus begins my tale “Cogfetch and the Crypt”, which is part of the exciting new game DRAGON ASSAULT. An e-book of this will be available as an in-game purchase, alongside all the usual weapons, potions, and other e-books set in this richly detailed fantasy world.

If you look back on the RPGs of the 1990s with fond memories, if you still wish you were hacking and slashing through Eye of the Beholder and Bard’s Tale, then this is the game for you.

A whole bunch of talented and award-winning folks have collaborated on this project, which is coming close to completion. I’ve had a play on the development site, and (without any bias) Dragon Assault is just damn good fun.

Don’t just take my word for it, head over to the Dragon Assault Facebook page and have a look at some of the teaser artwork. The game itself is due out in 2014, and it’s gonna rock.

EVERYTHING IS A GRAVEYARD – Available for Pre-Order!


“They can take my Torana but they’ll never take my freedom.”

Picture if you will, a warped tome of tales. A bogan love-child of the Necronomicon and Wolf Creek. A book possessing the strength of ten undead camels, the pouncing speed of a thousand drop-bears, and the lurching hop of a pack of zombiefied kangaroos. This is my short-story collection EVERYTHING IS A GRAVEYARD, and it is imminent.

If you can’t make the official book launch in Adelaide on October 5th, or the Melbourne Zombie Convention the day after, be of good cheer. For there is another option at your disposal. Pre-orders are now being taken for this book via the following link, and it will be in stock as of the 11th of November: