Tamsyn Webb is back.

Bent but not broken by the world’s end, Tamsyn Webb battles the undead across the post-apocalyptic globe, with a bow in her hands and a smart comment on her lips. Forced to grow up fast in a world that wants her dead, she faces down hordes of rotting monsters, as well as the brutal survivors of this final age.


If she gets through all of that in one piece, it will be an arrow escape…

Since 2009, Tamsyn Webb has been alive in my head. What started off as a one-off novella turned into four, which then became a novel, and now lurches forwards into this new ongoing series, full of ZOMBIES and ACTION and one or two PUNS…

The brand new edition of Quiver has just gone live, and can be purchased either in print or via your favourite e-book seller. I’m super proud of this addition to Argonautica’s stable, with extra polish and a free sneak peek at the upcoming Volume 2: GO TO HELL.

For more information and access to our online store, please visit the following link:



Upcoming writing workshops

I’ve got some great writing workshops coming up over the next few months – I do my best to make these fun and hands-on, and I promise you, you’ve never done writing workshops like mine! The Tolkien workshop promises to be a blast, and the Teen Writers Group goes from strength to strength – this term Writers SA has doubled the number of sessions just to try and meet demand. If you or someone you know is a budding young writer, come and join in the fun!

See the source image

The Long Shadow of Tolkien

with Jason Fischer

Join Jason Fischer for a deep-dive into Tolkien’s fantasy works, exploring his wide influence on fantasy storytelling. Participants will also get an overview of the future of genre writing as it finally wriggles loose from Tolkien’s long shadow. Second breakfast is not provided.

Price: General Admission A$180.00

Date: September 28, 2019

Learning outcomes:
  1. A Hard Hobbit to Break – How the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings came to be – the background to the world’s most well-known fantasy works
  2. The Long Shadow – How Tolkien’s legacy continues to affect the fantastic genres today, in works such as Game of Thrones, Dungeons and Dragons, and even the Marvel cinematic universe
  3. Tolkien ‘Bout My Generation – How modern fantasy writing is starting to escape from the pseudo-Eurocentric mold, and why works modelled on Tolkien’s writing still hold enormous sway in the publishing world
  4. The Orcs are Germans – The reflection of Tolkien’s era informed the creation of Middle-Earth – in place of World War 1, a new set of issues is informing today’s fantasy writing
  5. If You Like It, Then You Should Have Put a Ring In It – Workshop includes a brainstorming session to reinvent the fantasy genre – in what ways can Tolkien’s all-encompassing vision be flipped or reinvented?


Teen Writers Club Term 3 2019 – Group One

with Jason Fischer

This Teen Writers Club is designed for teens 12–14 years old, however the suggested age range is a guide only and if you have any queries, please contact info@writerssa.org.au. Group two is designed for young people aged 15–17years old.

Term 3 dates: Saturdays, July 20th to Sept 21st, 10:30 am – midday.


Price: General Admission A$200.00

Date: July 20, 2019

Teen Writers Club Term 3 2019 – Group Two

with Jason Fischer

This Teen Writers Club is designed for teens 15–17 years old, however the suggested age range is a guide only and if you have any queries, please contact info@writerssa.org.au. Group One is designed for young people aged 12–14 years old.

Term 3 dates: Saturdays, July 20th to Sept 21st, 12:30 to 2:00pm


Price: General Admission A$200.00

Date: July 20, 2019

Short stories and more!

I have been very neglectful of the old Fisch-Blog – real life has hit me in the form of a six-month old baby Fischer girl, who is all things amazing. Those little humans sure take everything over though!

So a quick update of some cool writing stuff. I’ve had a few new short stories accepted for publication in the past few months, here’s some more info:

Mission Critical

“Mission Critical” is a new anthology coming out from champion editor Jonathan Strahan, which features a story I co-wrote with the amazing Sean Williams, titled “Mutata Superesse”. This is a book about when things go wrong in space, and boy howdy, do they go wrong! Monsters and freaks and flying teeth, oh my! Was 10/10 fun to write.

More info here: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Mission-Critical/Jonathan-Strahan/9781781085806

Image may contain: one or more people and text

When I was asked to submit a story to “War of the Worlds: Battleground Australia”, I fell over myself to write the most madcap thing I could think of. I give the world “Riding the Snails”, a far-future post-occupation piece, set in the country that was once called Australia, in a language now illegal to speak. There’s only one thing worse than death at the hands of the invaders, and that is to be sent to ride the snails…

Finally, I have a piece coming up in the next issue of Dimension 6, more to be revealed… 🙂

On the Argonautica front, the release of the new edition of Quiver is getting closer, and work is continuing on Volume 2 “Go to Hell”. Busy Fisch is busy 🙂

Stay classy!


Announcing Argonautica Press

1AP argonautica logo HORIZ

The cat is finally out of the bag, and I can announce it to the heavens! For some months now, I’ve been working with my good friend and fellow ink-scribe Jason Franks, putting together a new small press named Argonautica Press. We went live a few days ago, and a press release with more information about our fun new venture can be found here.

So, why a small press? And why specifically a press that publishes only two authors (for now)?

Firstly, we both have existing properties that have come back into our hands. Our first projects are going to be reboots of our first novels. In Jason Frank’s case, it’s the most excellent Bloody Waters, a tale of a guitar-slinging bad-ass who just happens to have made a deal with the devil.

In my instance, I’m going to be resurrecting (pun intended) my beloved Tamsyn Webb Chronicles. First off will be the re-release of Vol. 1, Quiver. I’ve commissioned a new cover for the book, and it is EPIC. Shall be doing the cover reveal very soon…

Volume 2 of the Tamsyn Webb Chronicles is falling out of my head as we speak, and has the working title of “Go To Hell”. I am taking this bad boy into weird and wonderful directions – this is not your typical zombie story! Volume 3 is “Dead Last”, where I intend to turn it up to eleven and BLOW YOUR MINDS.

Like many writers, we also have a stack of passion projects that we’ve worked on, ones that don’t quite fit into a neat category. Jason’s first new Argonautica Press book is Shadowmancy, and I promise you this book will knock your socks off. If you got into Lev Grossman’s Magician books, Shadowmancy is definitely your jam. My fellow Jason is a writer at the top of his game, and you should treat your eyeballs to this book when it comes out.

As for the Fisch? I have got SO many things I want to put the Argos sails onto, and the trick is picking the right project once the Tamsyn books are done. Needless to say things are going to go off more than a unicorn with a gunpowder enema and a belly full of ghost chilis.

Jason Franks (word-ninja and the co-captain of the Argos) also has a blog post on why we’ve launched this mighty ship, which can be read here: https://jasonfranks.com/2019/03/voyage-of-the-argos/

Putting Out My Shingle

Writing sure has been an interesting career with a curlicue of twists and turns. I started out a painfully shy young man with an interest in poetry and stage-writing, and now I have a shelf of books, a couple of shiny trophies, lots of funny memories, and am jumping into a new career as a screen-writer.

Funniest of all is the leap I have made into facilitating writing workshops. Never in a month of Sundays would I have imagined being good at these, and enjoying them so much. In the past few years I’ve hosted a bunch of these, for libraries, the SA Writers Centre, and even the more adventurous of bookshops. I always have a ball, and get a kick out of inspiring others to get out their and tell their own stories.

I’ve decided to put out my shingle and actively seek these writing workshops, and thus have put up a new page with some info about this new service. If you know of an organisation who wants a fun, hands on writing workshop, I will deliver this for you in spades 🙂



“Papa Lucy and the Boneman” acquired by Ragnarok Publications

ragnarok banner

EDIT: Ragnarok Publications has temporarily closed its doors, and are no longer publishing “Papa Lucy and the Boneman.” Sad news but I don’t envy their position – they are doing the right thing by their existing authors and right holders, and I wish them all the best.

In other news, I once more have a novel for sale 🙂 onwards and upwards.

More information here: https://www.ragnarokpub.com/single-post/2017/11/15/Changes-at-Ragnarok


I’m very excited to announce that my novel “Papa Lucy and the Boneman” has been acquired by the most excellent Ragnarok Publications. This book has been a labour of love for many years now, and it’s a great feeling to find it such a good home.

Set in a world of scavengers and hard folk, “Papa Lucy and the Boneman” is the tale of a centuries-old family feud. In their quest to become gods, two immortal brothers put the savage world of Now into jeopardy. Only a fallen knight-errant dares to defy Papa Lucy. Armed only with an ancient gun and a forbidden knowledge, Lanyard Everett confronts a world-killer – and himself.

This setting started off in a series of short stories that I published in Aurealis magazine, and after many years of compiling background notes on the world and the characters, I realised that I had an epic fantasy novel on my hands. Back in 2011 I received a grant from Arts SA to produce the first draft of what would become “Papa Lucy and the Boneman”, which I wrote during a 6 month sabbatical from my day job. I beat this novel into shape over a number of years, and now it is finally ready to hit the world.

Colour me excited! Press release follows:


Editor Gwendolyn Nix acquires two novels for Ragnarok Publications.

Gwendolyn Nix, Editor at Ragnarok Publications, has acquired rights to two novels for the Spring 2019 publishing season. Ragnarok Publications will be publishing Papa Lucy and the Boneman, a grimdark fantasy that is equal parts Mad Max and the Epic of Gilgamesh by novelist and winner of the Writers of the Future, Jason Fischer; and The Soulless, a dark epic fantasy in which a young man must face demons, seraph, and his own power in order to keep the world from falling into the hands of the first demon god, from novelist Kate Martin. “I’m thrilled to be able to continue growing Ragnarok’s dark fantasy and grimdark titles with these two authors,” Nix said regarding her first acquisitions for Ragnarok Publications. “Both authors have created incredibly unique and engaging worlds with striking characters. I can’t wait to work with both of them.”“I’m really pleased to have found such a good home for this book!” wrote Fischer. “In my short fiction career, I’ve often blended Australiana and the Weird, and have taken the same approach with this novel. Papa Lucy and the Boneman has been years in the making and is my love-letter to several literary heroes, such as Jack Vance, Terry Dowling, Stephen King, and Gene Wolfe.”According to Martin, “I am so excited to be working with Ragnarok Publications to finally bring The Soulless to shelves everywhere! Of all the stories I’ve written, this is the one I am most proud of to date. I’ve been watching the work Ragnarok has been doing, and I am thrilled that The Soulless has found a home with them.”


Jason Fischer is based near Adelaide, South Australia. He has won an Aurealis Award and the Writers of the Future Contest, and his writing has been included on multiple awards shortlists including the Aurealis, Ditmars, and the Australian Shadows Awards. He is the author of dozens of short stories, with a novel, a short story collection, comics, and computer game work also under his belt. He enjoys karaoke and loves puns more than life itself. More information on Jason can be found at his website jasonfischer.com.au.Kate Martin is an adjunct professor by day, a dance teacher by night, and a writer every minute in between. Growing up on the side of a Connecticut mountain in the middle of nowhere wasn’t much good for after school shenanigans with friends, but it was spectacular for building an over-active imagination. After getting her B.A. in Elementary Education, with a minor in Psychology, she found Seton Hill University’s Writing Popular Fiction Program, graduating with her M.A. in June 2008, and then her M.F.A. in 2013. Her first story, “Poisonous Redemption,” was published in July 2009 in Rage of the Behemoth. She is also the author of the YA Paranormal Romance series “Eternal Shadows.” She still lives in Connecticut, but now with her well-read husband, clever daughter, and tolerant cat. You can visit her website at www.kate-martin.com.
This artwork by Adam Katsaros is from the original short story “for want of a jesusman”, first published in Aurealis Magazine #42

New Workshop: SA Writers Centre: “Roll Up Roleplaying for Character Creation”

Hey folks, I’m running the upcoming workshop for the SA Writers Centre. If you’re in Adelaide, come along – there will be buckets of dice and loads of fun!


Roll Up Role Playing for Character Creation

with Jason Fischer

What can role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons teach us about character creation in fiction? In this workshop award-winning author Jason Fischer will walk you through how to use generic RPG stats and the character creation process to develop interesting characters with compelling strengths and weaknesses. Continue reading

“Knockers” Optioned by Princess Pictures

Today I have some exciting news to share – Princess Pictures has optioned a comedy TV series “Knockers” that I’m co-writing with Liam Thorpe.

Script-writing is a new string to my bow, and so far I’m finding it a fun format to work in. The added bonus is that I get to work with one of my oldest friends, and Liam is proving to be a great wordsmith in his own right. Prior to this he’s penned several flash fiction pieces for markets like Antipodean SF, and to keep the wolf from the door he has worked in many fields, including door-to-door sales.

So of course over an epic schnitzel dinner, the idea for Knockers was born. Comedy as seen from the perspective of a door-to-door salesperson. Each door that you knock on has endless possibilities, from the whacky to the alarming. And every now and then, of course, a sale.

Here’s a link to the press release from the SA Film Corporation, it’s a win all round. Special thanks go to my screen-writing mentor James Roberts, and our wonderful producer Alex Doering. You folks beat this project into shape and got us over the line!


Press Release Princess Pics Options 3 SA projects_final

“The Dog Pit” now available at Pseudopod

My Cthulhu mythos story “The Dog Pit” is now available for your listening pleasure over at Pseudopod. I have been a fan of this magnificent horror podcast for YEARS, so believe me when I tell you that this is a genuine bucket-list moment.

Narrator Barry Haworth did a magnificent job of reading my story, and I hope you enjoy this story of colonial Sydney, an evil unearthed, and one of my favourite protagonists EVER!


The Dutchman finally found the boy out on the gold diggings.

Being close to seven feet tall and as broad as an axe-handle at the shoulders, Cornelius Tesselaar was an instant curiosity in that place of mud and slap-shacks. His frock-coat and good boots spoke of a man more used to cobbled streets than a fossicker’s warren. He wore a top-hat, the good silk kind, and peered around him through a pair of expensive bifocals that by themselves would earn him a knifing if he stayed too long.

A quiet word and a handful of coins led Cornelius to the nearest opium den. He swept open the hessian sack that served as a doorway, and stood blinking at the thick cloud of smoke that drifted out.

“Toby Jangles,” the Dutchman boomed, striding inside. A dozen faces stared blankly at the man, even as he stepped over their sprawled bodies. One or two furtive shapes slinked away from the doorway, creeping into the furthest shadows of the clapboard shack.
