Ditmar Awards Pimpage – With Megafauna

Once again, the Aussie SF awards season bears down on us, much like a time-travelling hyper-intelligent diprotodon. It could be establishing a beach-head for a megafauna invasion, but it’s much more comforting to imagine this hippo-sized wombat is merely visiting. Perhaps to sample the local genre writing, nominate its favourite reads from 2011, and perhaps convince the Parliament of Ancient Marsupials that our culture is worth preserving.

“Don’t worry, I’m totally legit” – Drusilla, the Ditmar Diprotodon

 Nominations have just opened for the 2012 Ditmar Awards, Australia’s version of the Hugos. Until May 13th, “natural persons active in fandom, or from full or supporting members of the national convention of the year of the award” can submit nominations in the various categories. Sorry Drusilla. It’s probably for the best that the megafauna are exempt from this process (unless they sign up for the Natcon, which seems a handy loophole) .

Nomination forms are here: http://ditmars.sf.org.au/2012/nominations.html

Ditmar rules are here: http://wiki.sf.org.au/Ditmar_rules

And a staggeringly huge list of potential nominees can be found here, with the caveat that some of the listings might not be valid or in the correct categories: http://wiki.sf.org.au/2012_Ditmar_eligibility_list

In keeping with the ancient traditions of fandom (according to microfiche brought to the present day by Drusilla the Ditmar Diprotodon), here is a list of my eligible work. For information only, you should of course only nominate the people and works from 2011 that most rocked your socks.

Best Novella/Novelette:

After the World: Corpus Christi (After the World #4, Black House Comics)

Best Short Story:

A Clockwork Arthur (After the World #3, Black House Comics)

Eating Gnashdal (Anywhere But Earth, Couer De Lion)

Hunting Rufus (Midnight Echo #5, AHWA)

Goggy (Midnight Echo #5, AHWA)

‘Twas a quiet year at Fisch Industries, but in my defence I was writing lots of novel and novella length things 🙂 If you want to read any of these works, send me a message/email/carrier pigeon and I’ll do my best to hook you up.

Rock the vote!

9 thoughts on “Ditmar Awards Pimpage – With Megafauna

    1. Wise. For you shall be spared when the giant marsupials arrive in force. You’ll probably become a trusty, or some sort of apparatchik.

    1. Ha! I resemble that 🙂 if there’s no Best Fannish Cat, it’s safe to assume Best Pun Barrage is probably not a category 🙂

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    This is now Steve Ballmer’s Microsoft, and it seems quite different from the giant built by Bill Gates.

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