All posts by Jason Fischer

Author Appearances in December

Heya folks,

A quick update about some upcoming appearances:

14th December, 1pm – BOOK SIGNING

Come along to Collins Booksellers, Edwardstown. I’ll be there signing copies of my new book EVERYTHING IS A GRAVEYARD, and will most likely have some copies of the zombie-tastic QUIVER as well.

19th December, 9pm – RADIO

I’ll be making an appearance on The Show’s Christmas special, along with other guests they’ve had throughout the year. Tune into PBA-FM, 89.7fm, or stream the show via the following link:

Busy Fisch is Busy

Oh boy, we live in exciting times! While I’ve admittedly spent the last few days playing Silent Hill: Downpour, the rest of the time has been flat out. Between hanging out with my awesome family, studying clinical coding and working in an interesting and challenging job, I every now and then (with the firm and wise encouragement of the good Mrs Fisch) get into the study and Get Those Words Down.

I count myself blessed that I get to do this writing thing that I enjoy. It’s a wonderful feeling, sitting down and casting out one’s mind, playing make-believe for hours on end. Even better when you come out of it at the other end, a little bit dazed and in need of a cuppa, with a whole new slab of story to share with other people.

I’m at the part of my career where I’ve always got something on the go, and where I often have to be somewhat cryptic about what I’m working on. Nascent works are delicate things, and if they are commissioned pieces they usually have an embargo attached to them. Also, it’s kind of a jinx thing, as even self-propelled works can mutate and change mid-stream, and then I look back at these blog-posts and feel daft.

Anyway, here’s the current state of play at Fisch Industries: 

Currently working on:

  • Military Science Fiction novel (collab)
  • Cthulhu short story
  • Tie-in novella
  • Collaboration short story

And here’s the rest of my dance-card, which makes the next 12-18 months pretty flat out:

  • YA book (working title “Bossfight”)
  • YA book (working title “Ripley Quarterquick”)
  • Sequel to Quiver, working title “Hard Nock Life”
  • Various short stories (about 6 different ideas, just for me!)
  • The Severed Garden (crazy fix-up novel based around my existing Raoul the Minotaur stories, and some new material. Think lots of marginalia, weird plates, poetry, surreal interstitial and transmedia stuff. Dream project that will take as long as it takes)
  • Cabalista – self-pubbed flash-fiction antho I want to get off the ground. Will try my hand at illustration, though it will probably involve fummetti and Photoshop 🙂

And everyday, this list of stuff fricken GROWS. I need to win lotto just to get on top of this to-do list 🙂

Of launches and a pub full of rotters!

Wow, what a great weekend! Saturday started with the book launch for my new collection “EVERYTHING IS A GRAVEYARD”, which was great. Nice turn-out of locals at the SA Writers Centre, and the lovely Lisa Hannett did the honour of launching my book. She did an amazing job of analysing my stories and proved once more that she really REALLY knows her stuff. book_signingHere we see the author inserting the obligatory pun into his signature.


 A fat stack of books with my name on the cover! Cool!

A few hours after the Adelaide launch, the Ticonderoga Publications road-show hit the airport, and we went straight over to Melbourne (via the Virgin Lounge – free food and everything!). We caught up with the lovely Angela Rega after her booklaunch (Her “The Cobbler Mage” is an absolutely gorgeous book, BTW – marbling on the in-leaf pages and everything).

Sunday brought us to the the inaugural Melbourne Zombie Convention. The event was sold out, and 600 guests converged on the Royal Melbourne Hotel, decked out as zombies, zombie-hunters, and the occasional bemused “normal”.

Sold a bunch of books (both “Everything is a Graveyard” and my zombie novel “Quiver”), chatted to heaps of folks, caught up with many excellent writers and publishers, and even sat on a panel with other writers to talk all things undead in literature. Had an absolute ball, and even got quoted in The Age:

Many thanks to Russell B Farr and Liz Grzyb of Ticonderoga Publications for taking a leap of faith on my book, and for making this brilliant weekend happen. One very happy author, signing off.

michonne Michonne (excellent  Walking Dead cosplay) buys my books!


 The bad-ass Ticonderoga crew. Most excellent publishers Russell Farr and Liz Grzyb, and yours truly.


Some rotten bugger I bumped into.

Melbourne Zombie Convention – Panel Appearance

Hi folks! Not only will I be in attendance at the Melbourne Zombie Convention, but it will be my pleasure to appear on the following panel. I will be there alongside these bright sorts, talking all things zombie and literature related.

3:30pm – 4:00pm Zombie Literature Discussion Panel hosted by Australian Horror Writer’s Association Geoff Brown featuring Sue Edge, Chuck McKenzie, Rob Hood, Paul Mannering and Jason Fischer.

When not holding forth, I’ll be found in the dealer’s room or in the nearby vicinity. I’ll be there with Russell B Farr signing copies of my zombietastic collection “Everything is a Graveyard”. Also, the survival-oriented Chuck McKenzie will be selling copies of my novel “Quiver” over at the Notions Unlimited table.

EVERYTHING IS A GRAVEYARD – Available for Pre-Order!


“They can take my Torana but they’ll never take my freedom.”

Picture if you will, a warped tome of tales. A bogan love-child of the Necronomicon and Wolf Creek. A book possessing the strength of ten undead camels, the pouncing speed of a thousand drop-bears, and the lurching hop of a pack of zombiefied kangaroos. This is my short-story collection EVERYTHING IS A GRAVEYARD, and it is imminent.

If you can’t make the official book launch in Adelaide on October 5th, or the Melbourne Zombie Convention the day after, be of good cheer. For there is another option at your disposal. Pre-orders are now being taken for this book via the following link, and it will be in stock as of the 11th of November:


New Review of Quiver

Aussie horror review site Thirteen O’Clock has reviewed my novel Quiver. Reviewer Alan Baxter pulls no punches, and offers a thorough critique of the book, warts and all.

“Jason Fischer has embraced the pulp novella, embraced everything about zombie stories and combined them into something equal parts familiar and refreshingly original. If you’re a fan of zombie action, bow-wielding badass heroines and good pulpy fun you should really check out Quiver.”

To read the rest of the review (and other delicious offerings from Thirteen O’Clock) click on the following link:

Melbourne Zombie Convention

The Melbourne Zombie Convention is imminent! I shall be in attendance, signing copies of “Everything is a Graveyard” and no doubt chatting to many awesome folks. If you are shambling along to this event, make sure to stop by and say hello!

More information on the Melbourne Zombie Convention can be found here, it looks like a truly excellent event:


Upcoming Appearances

Hey folks,

Some fun times ahead! Tomorrow I shall be at the Salisbury Writers Festival, appearing on a panel to talk about “Speculative Fiction Unleashed” with fellow ink-scribblers Sean Williams and Tony Shillitoe. Panel is at 12:50pm at the John Harvey Gallery (more details here:

Next Thursday night (29th August) from 9 pm, I shall be appearing on community radio station PBA-FM 89.7. Presenters Alexis and Pete have invited me as a guest of The Show. They’ll be running a zombie/literature themed program, and it will be my great pleasure to come along and talk all things zombie and writing related. More information on PBA-FM can be found via this link:

And The Show has its own Facebook and Twitter pages:!/pages/THE-SHOW-897-PBA-FM/115071388537800

Pick A Horse and Ride It

It is so easy to get distracted by the shiny things.

Some of us are born wired with the unique blend of creativity and discipline needed to become successful professional writers. Others of us frolic in the irresponsible Fields of Creativity, only turfing words over the fence when we can be bothered*. It’s essential to learn to focus, and if you don’t have a work ethic you will fall by the wayside.

Since I’ve been writing, I’ve had about a thousand false starts. I’ve largely based my career on instinct and opportunity, with little long-term planning apart from “I’m a gonna write this and send it here and then write the other thing and SUCCESS.” 

While you get a lucky break from time to time, bouncing around like a happy puppy is a really shitty way to plan a creative career.  While my brain has coughed out some fun stuff and I’ve achieved a few things, gunning for that sugar-high success is the falsest of all metrics. And boy, how I have learnt this the hard way.

Most anyone who is successful does one thing, and does it very well. Dilettantes tend to frolic around in that fun meadow doing leapfrogs and blowing bubbles. Bless their cotton socks, but they will end up doing fuck all of anything beyond the ephemeral and shiny.

In short, pick a horse and ride it. In some ways I’ve won this battle – moving away from short stories, my new default is longer form work. I find it exceedingly difficult to write anything under 8000 words, which tells me that my writing brain’s new default setting is chapter sized chunks.

Now, instead of shiny-hopping stories across the lilypond of short fiction markets, I’m planning 2, 3 novels into the future at any given time. Long term projects are the norm. Genres have been selected, and a market plan is in effect. Age and bitter experience will beat this long-term thinking into any wide-eyed newb, it’s just taken a few years in my instance.

Still, it’s been fun. I’ll be over here saddling up.

* For some reason, this makes me thing of Napoleon Dynamite feeding Tina the Alpaca. “TINA, EAT YOUR STUPID HAM.”