My Writers of the Future winning story “The House of Nameless” is now available on Smashwords as a free e-book, available in several different formats. While I’ve ostensibly released this free version onto the world for Ditmar reasons (with the full blessing of the publishers at Galaxy Press) it’s also my trial run at formatting and managing an e-book. It’s also quite hard to get hold of the WOTF anthologies in Australian stores, so if anyone’s interested in seeing the type of story that gets into the book, here is one example. These anthologies are all available through Amazon, and now via Kindle as well – they also contain many words of wisdom from the best-selling judges, which are well worth the small download fee. If you want a hard copy, you will generally have to order these in (hence this e-book experiment to raise some 11th hour awareness of my story).
This story can be downloaded here:
If you enjoyed “The House of Nameless” and want to consider nominating it for this year’s Ditmar Awards, the form can be found here: . There are oodles of other most worthy works that you may also want to nominate, an almost exhaustive list can be found at the following wiki:
hi Jason! thank you for the freebie! good luck with your writing as well. c”,)
Many thanks, I truly hope you like it 🙂 please feel free to forward the link to whomever might be interested – there’s actually several stories I’ve published with this setting and these characters, and I’m thinking of re-releasing the whole lot as a collection sometime in the future.