Tag Archives: Supanova

Melbourne Supanova

Life has been a bit flat out here at Fisch Industries, hence the lack of updates. The weekend before last I was fortunate enough to get an author spot in the Dymock’s stand at the Melbourne Supanova. I was there signing copies of my new book “Quiver”, meeting new readers and rubbing shoulders with the other authors. Had an absolute ball, met some great folks and saw just about every configuration of cosplay it’s possible to see. Amazing how much effort con-goers went to with their outfits – it’s all I can do to roll out of bed and get dressed.

Anyway, a picture speaks a thousand words. So have several 🙂

In the thick of it – selling books left, right and centre.

Unwittingly, con-goers run the gauntlet of desperate authors….

One happy author, posing with a GIANT poster of his book.

The Black House Comics crew – top bunch of folks!

Author Appearances in April – FischFest 2013

While not exactly starving and moping in a garret, there are sometimes big stretches of time where I don’t get to conventions or other cool Writery Things. This year, I attempt to mitigate this by taking two interstate trips with a couple of weeks of each other.

First up, I’m going to be at Melbourne Supanova this year. Dymocks have kindly asked me to sign copies of my new novel “Quiver” at their signing table, which is pretty cool. I’m a Supanova virgin so very excited to see what mainstream conventions have to offer. At the very least, I want to high-five the Hoff, and get Barbara Eden from I Dream of Jeannie to say a swear word.

Secondly, I’m going to be at Conflux in Canberra. Not only will this see the official launch of Quiver, but I’m on a swag of panels, catching up with a tonne of most excellent people, and generally having a great time.

My Conflux itinerary is as follows (and note, they haven’t nailed exact times down so this could change):


Zombie Panel

Ticonderoga Author spot,


“Quiver” book launch at morning tea time

Geeks Are Cool (after the book launch).


Australian Landscapes


If you’re going along to any of these things, make sure to say hello! April’s going to be manic and boonta and all things good.