Today I have some exciting news to share – Princess Pictures has optioned a comedy TV series “Knockers” that I’m co-writing with Liam Thorpe.
Script-writing is a new string to my bow, and so far I’m finding it a fun format to work in. The added bonus is that I get to work with one of my oldest friends, and Liam is proving to be a great wordsmith in his own right. Prior to this he’s penned several flash fiction pieces for markets like Antipodean SF, and to keep the wolf from the door he has worked in many fields, including door-to-door sales.
So of course over an epic schnitzel dinner, the idea for Knockers was born. Comedy as seen from the perspective of a door-to-door salesperson. Each door that you knock on has endless possibilities, from the whacky to the alarming. And every now and then, of course, a sale.
Here’s a link to the press release from the SA Film Corporation, it’s a win all round. Special thanks go to my screen-writing mentor James Roberts, and our wonderful producer Alex Doering. You folks beat this project into shape and got us over the line!