Feral Camels, Eat Their Flesh…

“About 200 camels have been removed from South Australia’s remote Aboriginal lands as part of a feral camel management project.

Aboriginal people have been trained to muster the camels, creating an industry and turning an environmental problem into a source of income for the APY Lands.

The camels are transported to Queensland abattoirs for processing.”


Wise. Best to eat them before they eat you…

Doo-dah! Doo-dah!

(for the uninitiated – http://jasonfischer.com.au/?page_id=16)

4 thoughts on “Feral Camels, Eat Their Flesh…

    1. No, these are standard Romero undead camels, headshots will do it 🙂 hump shots just spray rotten fat everywhere. No-one wins there 🙂

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