Contact Me

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mail AT jasonfischer DOT com DOT au

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13 thoughts on “Contact Me

  1. Hi Jason,

    Just wanted to say hi as I too am Jason Fisher…just without the C. Hope to track down Quiver so I’ve read a book by Jason Fis(c)her!! Cheers, Jason

  2. Hey Jason,

    Purchased Quiver at your (Adelaide) Dymocks book signing a few weeks, and just wanted to say I loved reading it, as did my partner. You described it as “Hunger Games meets zombie apocalypse” and all I can say is that putting your book on the same level as Hunger Games is doing it a great injustice – yours was a much better read! Please keep writing. You most definitely have a fan 🙂

    1. Hey Yvette!

      Yay! I’m so pleased that you folks enjoyed my book. Means the world to me when a reader takes the time to tell me so, thanks heaps 🙂

      Writing up a storm at the moment, all going well I’ll have finished two new novels over the next year or so. Busy times at the keyboard! Ooh, before I forget, I’ve got a collection of short stories coming out in October called “Everything is a Graveyard” (Ticonderoga Publications) – plenty of zombie offerings here!

      Thanks again, hope you have a lovely day,

      1. Hi Jason! So glad you saw the article. Would you be willing to share a mention of it on your site?
        Maybe something like this on your About page:
        Jason Fischer is a writer who lives near Adelaide, South Australia. He has won the Colin Thiele Literature Scholarship, an Aurealis Award and the Writers of the Future Contest (which discovers new authors, many who are now publishing new books [embed link:
        Should we also add “Quiver” to the list? It looks awesome. 🙂
        Let me know what you think.
        best, Julie

        1. Hey Julie,
          Seems a bit wordy for my “About” bio bit, but I’ll definitely mention it on my site, I’ll do up a blogpost for you folks and link it back to my original WOTF journal.

          Keep on being awesome!

  3. Jason,

    I’m a microbiologist with a degree in Food Science and a PhD in Pharmacy. I’ve been an invited speaker at the Australian Society for Microbiology. Also ASD.

  4. Hey,

    I decided to reach out because we’ve been working with a bunch of clients who have websites akin to yours, and your work at has really stood out. Seeing the excellent content you’re putting out, I thought you might be intrigued in a resource that our clients have found super valuable.

    Here’s the scoop: On May 30th at 11 AM EST, there’s a free training webinar all about integrating A.I. employees into business operations using the AI Employees. This is not your average webinar – it’s packed with transformative insights and real-world applications of A.I. in a business context.

    The potential benefits for could be enormous:
    • Find out how A.I. can craft top-notch courses, marketing plans, and products to enhance your output.
    • Master to navigate legal complexities and save money with AI employees, reducing risk and conserving resources.
    • Reveal the secret to skyrocketing profits by using AI employees to streamline your marketing strategies.
    • Receive insights into extending your reach and conquering your niche with AI-powered content creation and social media management.
    • Understand how offloading repetitive tasks to AI employees can simplify your workflow, making time for business growth.
    • Access a global talent pool of AI, ensuring the right expertise and skills are always within reach.
    • Plus, by attending and actively participating, you could earn 5 free copies of the AI Employees App and $150 in credits for their exclusive AI Marketplace.

    To secure your place, just grab your ticket on

    Given the buzz around this webinar, I’d suggest grabbing your spot sooner rather than later.

    We’re excited at the possibility of being represented at the training. It’s an amazing opportunity to discover how A.I. could supercharge your operations!

    Hope Summers

    P.S. I’m sharing this with you in the intent of providing beneficial resources. If utilizing AI to elevate your business isn’t your cup of tea right now, please feel free to ignore this message. It’s essential to me that the information I share resonates with your ongoing interests and goals. I just believe that this event could be a valuable opportunity for you given my experience with similar clients. If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to reach out.

  5. Hi Jason, my name is Lilly. I have intellectual disability, autism and PTSD. I’m an author, writer, screenwriter, director, producer and anime artist. I’m in the process of making and writing my manga ( and my support worker went to Supanova last year and we met Gerry Huntman (the publisher of IFWG) he said it was good but it’s an outline. It needs a summary. I’ll link my docx to you. Tell me do you like it or not just let me know and give me an example that makes sense for me.
    The Superhero High School Club Vol 1.docx

    1. Hi Lilly! Thanks for dropping by. I’ve just been reading your link, I’ll send you a brief email with some ways Spectrum Writing might be able to help 🙂

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