Coming up soon is the Salisbury Writers Festival. They always put on a great show with lots of contests, seminars, and workshops. Some years back I won their 3 Day Novel Race, which was great fun to enter. This year it’s my great pleasure to be appearing on the following panel during their Writers Forum day:
12:50pm PANEL OF WRITERS: Speculative Fiction Unleashed
John Harvey Gallery
Three award winning speculative fiction writers will share stories about how their careers developed, the successes and the difficulties, dealing with publishers, finding markets, the opportunities, the advantages and the challenges of writing speculative fiction in South Australia.
- Sean Williams
- Tony Shillitoe
- Jason Fischer
More details on the following link. There’s a tonne of great stuff happening on the day, so why not come along? They’ve done a great job with this program lineup, so you’ll definitely get value from the day.