Hey folks,
Some fun times ahead! Tomorrow I shall be at the Salisbury Writers Festival, appearing on a panel to talk about “Speculative Fiction Unleashed” with fellow ink-scribblers Sean Williams and Tony Shillitoe. Panel is at 12:50pm at the John Harvey Gallery (more details here: http://www.salisbury.sa.gov.au/Our_City/Arts_and_Culture/Salisbury_Writers_Festival/Writers_Forum)
Next Thursday night (29th August) from 9 pm, I shall be appearing on community radio station PBA-FM 89.7. Presenters Alexis and Pete have invited me as a guest of The Show. They’ll be running a zombie/literature themed program, and it will be my great pleasure to come along and talk all things zombie and writing related. More information on PBA-FM can be found via this link:
And The Show has its own Facebook and Twitter pages: