Found an hour and a bit of time last night, and poured just over 700 words into Project Lucy. Nice! Good words too, which makes me feel quite happy given that a sustainable target when writing 1st draft is supposed to be about 500 words/hour.
Now, for some random thoughts that have been bugging me:
- Is “Monkey” technically a road movie?
- What do the soldiers in the recent Transformers movies actually do? They seem to pose a lot with guns, say snappy one-liners, and not much else. They shoot at the Decepticons in places, but do they ever actually kill any of them? What is the point of these dudes?
- If you take out Jar-Jar Binks and the painful rail-roading of Anakin into Darth Vader, are the first three Star Wars movies actually okay? I’m much more forgiving of them these days.