“The Dog Pit” now available at Pseudopod

My Cthulhu mythos story “The Dog Pit” is now available for your listening pleasure over at Pseudopod. I have been a fan of this magnificent horror podcast for YEARS, so believe me when I tell you that this is a genuine bucket-list moment.

Narrator Barry Haworth did a magnificent job of reading my story, and I hope you enjoy this story of colonial Sydney, an evil unearthed, and one of my favourite protagonists EVER!


The Dutchman finally found the boy out on the gold diggings.

Being close to seven feet tall and as broad as an axe-handle at the shoulders, Cornelius Tesselaar was an instant curiosity in that place of mud and slap-shacks. His frock-coat and good boots spoke of a man more used to cobbled streets than a fossicker’s warren. He wore a top-hat, the good silk kind, and peered around him through a pair of expensive bifocals that by themselves would earn him a knifing if he stayed too long.

A quiet word and a handful of coins led Cornelius to the nearest opium den. He swept open the hessian sack that served as a doorway, and stood blinking at the thick cloud of smoke that drifted out.

“Toby Jangles,” the Dutchman boomed, striding inside. A dozen faces stared blankly at the man, even as he stepped over their sprawled bodies. One or two furtive shapes slinked away from the doorway, creeping into the furthest shadows of the clapboard shack.



2 thoughts on ““The Dog Pit” now available at Pseudopod

  1. An excellent piece, Jason! I especially enjoyed the character of Cornelius Tesselaar. Do you use him in any other stories, present or forthcoming?

    1. Hey Chris! Thanks for your kind words 🙂 I’ve got a couple of fragments containing that formidable Dutchman, but nothing concrete just yet. Given his unnatural lifespan and other abilities, there are a few other places in history I’d definitely like to set him loose upon. I’ll get cracking on more Tesselaar stories 🙂 Many thanks, Jason.

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