A couple of weeks ago, the authors involved in Steven Savile’s “Viral” series got together over Skype to discuss the books. The result can now be heard over at the Chronic Rift podcast. It was great fun to discuss how the concept came about, and how we all grabbed a different viewpoint to explore the same idea. “Viral” is geared mainly towards fans of political and military thrillers, so if you’re into fast-paced, foot-to-the-floor fiction, these are the books for you.
Of some interest is the fact that book one (“Viral: -30-“) is now comfortably within the top #100 best sellers on the Nook, #23 in the stonkingly massive Thriller category, and is now #2 in the Military category. Colour me GOBSMACKED. The Viral series is still exclusive via Barnes and Noble; in about a month it will open up to other markets so I’ll keep the Kindle readers amongst you posted 🙂
Interview page is here: http://www.chronicrift.com/node/1856
And the actual sound-file of the interview can be saved via this link: http://m.podshow.com/media/23007/episodes/312095/chronicrift-312095-03-10-2012.mp3