Tag Archives: This Empty Earth

I Finished My Damn Novel

Well, I just put the finishing touches to THIS EMPTY EARTH, a science fiction thriller.

So I started this in November 2013, while being distracted by life, earning the very tricksy certification to do clinical coding, and every now and then sneaking off to work on a short story or novella. I suppose 18 months isn’t too bad a stretch for cranking out a novel, fitting a writing career around every other damn thing 🙂

With the caveat that this is of course the first draft (draft 1.5 I suppose, as I edit while I go) I am now in the market for some wonderful beta readers who will pull no punches. I shall thank any volunteers with an acknowledgement should the book find a home, my eternal thanks, and the offer of a quid pro quo beta read should you also be a writer.

Peter Ball, please inform your parents that I have finished my damn novel 🙂

The End

WINNER – “Name that Cat” Contest

Had some great entries for the “Name That Cat” contest for my novel-in-progress “This Empty Earth”. Some real imaginative efforts here, as well as many people taking the piss. I salute you all!

There can be only one winner, so the cat in my novel will hereby be known as Pushkin. Congratulations, Thoraiya Dyer, you are the winner of a copy of my novel “Quiver”, and in the happy event that the book gets published, I shall list you in the acknowledgements 🙂

Now, onward with the writing! Pushkin awaits.

COMPETITION – Name That Cat!

Okay folks, it’s competition time. I’m about 3/4 of the way through the first draft of “This Empty Earth”, a thriller novel where every living creature on the surface of the Earth mysteriously vanishes. The only ones to be spared from this event are those up in planes, skydiving, hot-air balloons, you name it.

Naturally enough, I have a cast of plucky heroes/heroines, and plenty of dastardly villains. I also have a cat survivor, who for various reasons is important to the plot of the story. Cats were also wiped from the face of the earth, except for a lucky few felines who were up in air, snoozing in their animal carriers.

This cat has the placeholder name of Miffsy, which is less than ideal. So I’m looking for name suggestions. They could be your real life cat, a person’s name, or something so ridiculous that I have no choice but to go with it 🙂 the winner of this impromptu contest as judged by me will win a hard-copy of my zombie novel Quiver (posted in Australia only – international people, I shall find something equally awesome for you should you win).

So either leave your entry as a comment here, as a comment on my Facebook page under this entry, or email your suggestions to “mail AT jasonfischer.com.au”

I’ll leave this contest open till I receive the perfect name. Go to it, cat callers!