Tag Archives: Mentor Program

Mentor: The Fisch-Maker!

I just can’t help myself 🙂

It’s all official like, I am a mentor in the Australian Horror Writers Association 2012 mentor program. And I have two mentees that I’d like to introduce to y’all.

Given into my tender care are the following writers: Stacey Larner and David McDonald. From what I’ve seen of their writing, these folks both have a lot of promise. They’re hard-working, keen as beans, and hopefully some big things await my writer-kids. Now it’s up to me to pass on what knowledge I’ve gleaned over the years, help them get some work polished to within an inch of its life, and generally hang around, dropping wisdom like Obi-Wan Kinobi (I think).

Say hi folks, and make my Padawans feel welcome 🙂

Australian Horror Writers Association – 2012 Mentor Program

Over at the Australian Horror Writers Association page, the Mentor Program for 2012 has just been announced:


There’s a bunch of great folks giving their time to the program this year, and I’m lucky enough to also be on this list. No matter what you’re working on, chances are there’s an AHWA mentor who can help you with your project. I’m specifically interested in working with novellas/short stories, and I look forward to helping my mentoree get their work into shape.

All the relevant details are at the above link, but if you’ve got any questions, please feel free to contact me or the AHWA. It should be noted that the Mentor Program is only open to AHWA members, but membership is cheap and you get many benefits (such as this program, the short fiction contests, Midnight Echo, comraderie, and all sorts of goodies).