So yeah, Gauntlet, steely fists etc. I have officially succeeded in getting a whole bunch of little things done by procrastinating on the one big scary task, which I count as a partial win due to achieving stuff. But with no excuses left, I have embarked upon my not-so-secret project. But because saying “jesusman novel and arts grant application” is a mouthful at best, I shall henceforth refer to this gauntletty project as Lucy, in a somewhat mysterious fashion 🙂
Like many other writer folks, I’ve come into the game equipped with all sorts of deceptive and counter-productive fail-safes hardwired into my brain. Almost immediately I’ve run into one of my personal favourites, which is “OMG it’s not looking as good on paper as it does in my brain.” And folks, I do this EVERY SINGLE TIME, even though I know it’s bollocks, and simply the natural inclination of the Fisch to follow the path of least resistance.
That’s not how a gauntleteer should roll, hell no. Enter bogan tunes, steely-eyed determination, and the application of a concrete pill. You simply take one, and harden the fuck up 🙂
My usual method of writing is to kinda do a 1st and 2nd draft at the same time, because I cannot cope with poking at a dog’s breakfast every evening, and I almost always do a quick skim-through and fix a few things up before I add to the congealing mass. It’s not the worst way to go about things, but it sometimes takes a little while to really get things going. A 2-3 hour writing session seems to be about the optimum window of productivity.
I have true admiration for anyone who can squeeze into twenty spare minutes and just crank out a bunch of new words! I can do it this way but it’s like pulling teeth and I basically need to hire a hitman just to tap me on the back of the head with a dirty great gun, every time my thoughts wander, or if I think about engaging in internet faffery. In the perfect world, Peter would bring the medieval ski-glove smack-down whilst yelling the equivalent of “JUST WRITE, BEYOTCH!” (while effortlessly pulling another masterpiece out of his fundament) but he’s in Queensland suffering the various wraths of nature, and there’s only so much corrective motivation that can be delivered cross-continent. Fisch, it’s truly up to you mate. One man and his Lucy.