If you’re in Adelaide and are a fan of speculative fiction or fantasy writing, make sure you get along to the SA Writers Centre Spec Fic and Fantasy Festival. Yours truly shall be there with a bevy of talented folks, and it promises to be an absolute treat!
We’re going to deliver a bunch of great panels, live readings of our work, and workshops galore. I’m excited that such an event is being held in Adelaide, and tickled pink to be involved 🙂
It’s time to crack out of your cryostasis and join us for one of the most spectacular Spec Fic and Fantasy Fests in the multiverse. Dock your Tardis, Delorean, heli cab or space ship at Level 2/187 Rundle Street, 7 and 8 May (unless it’s already the future, in which case… hurry! Go backwards…!)
A galaxy of stars including: Gillian Rubinstein, Sean Williams, Jason Fischer, Ben Chandler, DM Cornish, Lisa L Hannett, Tony Shillitoe, Jo Spurrier and Tehani Wessely will be creating an unforgettable atmosphere and two days of premium advice, learning, workshops and panels that will blow your flux capacitor and melt your chronoscope!
Bookings are essential. DOWNLOAD THE FULL PROGRAM HERE.