Short stories and more!

I have been very neglectful of the old Fisch-Blog – real life has hit me in the form of a six-month old baby Fischer girl, who is all things amazing. Those little humans sure take everything over though!

So a quick update of some cool writing stuff. I’ve had a few new short stories accepted for publication in the past few months, here’s some more info:

Mission Critical

“Mission Critical” is a new anthology coming out from champion editor Jonathan Strahan, which features a story I co-wrote with the amazing Sean Williams, titled “Mutata Superesse”. This is a book about when things go wrong in space, and boy howdy, do they go wrong! Monsters and freaks and flying teeth, oh my! Was 10/10 fun to write.

More info here:

Image may contain: one or more people and text

When I was asked to submit a story to “War of the Worlds: Battleground Australia”, I fell over myself to write the most madcap thing I could think of. I give the world “Riding the Snails”, a far-future post-occupation piece, set in the country that was once called Australia, in a language now illegal to speak. There’s only one thing worse than death at the hands of the invaders, and that is to be sent to ride the snails…

Finally, I have a piece coming up in the next issue of Dimension 6, more to be revealed… 🙂

On the Argonautica front, the release of the new edition of Quiver is getting closer, and work is continuing on Volume 2 “Go to Hell”. Busy Fisch is busy 🙂

Stay classy!


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