A review of Aurealis Magazine #44 has just been posted over at Suz’s Space, covering the issue which contains my 2nd jesusman story, “gunning for a tinkerman”. She says:
“All of these stories were top quality. There were a couple that stood out and screamed “write a sequel, write lots of sequels” as the worlds were just so good and while the characters might not have been likeable I certainly wanted to know more of them. Jason Fisher and KJ Taylor, I’m talking about you. I’m not saying the other stories weren’t as good, but they stand on their own and don’t seem to need anything else around them, they are complete by themselves. But Fisher and Taylor have written stories that not only stand on their own two feet but would also go well in an anthology of stories about their particular worlds.
gunning for a tinkerman by Jason Fisher is a wonderful little post-apocalyptic story where tinkermen have run the gamut of being wanted for their skills to being a dying breed who are both wanted and reviled in the same breath. I would like to know more about this world and more about the people in the world. It’d just be extra cool to have a story from someone else’s point of view so we can see how the tinkermen and their roles have changed.”
(the rest is here http://www.suzs-space.com/blog/2011/01/07/aurealis-issue-44/)
Well, that’s just lovely, thanks Suz 🙂 I’ll see what I can do about that for you!