I have some very exciting news – I’ve just signed a three-book deal with Outland Entertainment to publish my “Papa Lucy and the Boneman” fantasy series. Huge thanks to Jeremy Mohler, Gwen Nix and everyone at Outland, and eternal gratitude to my wonderful agent Angel Belsey from Emily Sweet Associates.
We’re also developing a role-playing game based in this setting, and my playtesters (discerning gamers forced to hear my puns on a fortnightly basis) seem to be enjoying the draft which bodes well! I’m looking forward to unleashing this beast on the world. I’m going for a Dark Sun meets Weird West feel, with a stack of character classes, races, and game mechanics involving cannabalism amongst other things…
More news as it all comes together – tonight I am one happy author 🙂
(original illustration from Aurealis #42 by Adam Katsaros)
Set in a world of scavengers and hard folk, “Papa Lucy and the Boneman” is the tale of a centuries-old family feud. In their quest to become gods, two immortal brothers put the savage world of Now into jeopardy. Only a fallen knight-errant dares to defy Papa Lucy. Armed only with an ancient gun and a forbidden knowledge, Lanyard Everett confronts a world-killer – and himself.
This setting started off in a series of short stories that I published in Aurealis magazine, and after many years of compiling background notes on the world and the characters, I realised that I had an epic fantasy novel on my hands. Back in 2011 I received a grant from Arts SA to produce the first draft of what would become “Papa Lucy and the Boneman”, which I wrote during a 6 month sabbatical from my day job. I beat this novel into shape over a number of years, and now it is finally ready to hit the world.