Hi folks! Been a long time since I posted updates on this thing. I’m usually found lurking on the Book of Face and can’t commit to blogging like I used to. It’s been a helluva year at Fisch Industries, with all sorts of cool goings on. Time for a quick round up!

Got a story into this bad boy and I’m very much excited. Have been a fan of the series (some of which became episodes of Tim Miller’s Love, Death and Robots) and consider this a bucket list moment. “Of Meat and Man” coming soon!
Argonautica Launch
Together with ink-scribe and fellow Jason, we launched our new collaborative small-press Argonautica Press a few weeks back. Jason Franks has a write-up over at the Argonautica website here:Â https://argonauticapress.com/?p=2123&fbclid=IwAR2MCPdlPPPtYrslgC7eNc1dSsT47S8TmL1jelZwS5707VfFIP46OyzNk-Q
Twas magnificent. Best of all, we had a skellington for Ray Harryhausen reasons (because Jason and the Argonauts)
I made many humerus jokes on the night. Living my best life!
Spectrum Writing
So I’ve launched into a new and very exciting venture with my wife Kate. We’ve started a service called Spectrum Writing which is aimed at teaching professional writing skills to people on the Autism Spectrum. It’s a subject dear to my heart, particularly as I’m the dad to an amazing young man with Autism, as well as having it myself. I came to this realisation later in life, and who knows how much further my writing would be by now if I’d had writing lessons tailored to my condition?

I’ve been working with writers on the Autism Spectrum for a while now, both mentoring and in my workshops, and these folks blow my minds with their mad imagination skills. I’m determined to help other awesome minds follow their writing dreams, and so it was time to get organised. This would NEVER have happened without the amazing Kate Fischer, who is not only a smoking hot bird, but a force to be reckoned with!
Go to Hell, Volume 2 of the Tamsyn Webb Chronicles
As of last night, I hit a milestone in my draft of the sequel to Quiver, one which I cannot speak of – a cliffhanger so epic that I dare not speak of it! Needless to say, I’ve just rolled into the third act with my sleeves rolled up and a mad look in my eye. It is time to finish this bad boy.
Most of all, family
This time last year I became the dad to my darling baby daughter, who just had her first birthday. I fall in love a little more everyday with this hilarious trouble-maker! Kids are just the best. My older boy is thriving with a wonderful teacher and a very joyful, busy life. At the centre of all this is a wonderful lady with the patience of Buddha in the body of a hot chick. I am rich beyond measure!