The folks over at ScaryMinds have just released a review of my short story collection “Everything is a Graveyard”. About it they say:
“Jason Fischer’s first collection Everything Is A Graveyard is arguably the best release of tales to chill by this year. A very solid collection of post apocalyptic stories that have a uniqueness about them that will provide you with hours of entertainment while making you wonder why on earth this Author hasn’t released a collection previously. As expected Ticonderoga Publication have produced a polished release that simply states professionalism. Excellent release that is one of the must have books of 2013. Do not miss this collection, it’s destined for cult status, highest recommendation folks.”
10 stars out of 10. Plus many other very kind words by the reviewer. I’m quietly stunned. Best review ever! I always love it when people enjoy my stories, and get a thrill when someone takes the time to write a review.
To read the rest of the review (and see some of the other excellent reviews and content hosted on this site) click on the following link: