Midnight Echo #5, about to be released into the wild

Check out this bad boy:


That’s right, issue #5 of Midnight Echo is about to go live. This issue contains two of my stories, “Hunting Rufus” and “Goggy”, winner of this year’s AHWA Flash Fiction competition. The added bonus – both pieces are actually written in the same setting (the appearance of them both in the same mag was completely unintended, and they were written something like 4 years apart?)

Anyhow, it looks like a great issue, and contains a brilliant TOC, including a piece by one of my writing idols, Terry Dowling. Other folks include my homies Chris Green and Felicity Dowker, and more horror stories than you poke a blood-soaked scary stick at. AHWA members should be able to download this from the website soon, and the print version should be out in the next couple of weeks.

EDIT: How could I forget mentioning Mark Farrugia’s graphic story?? I told you this mag has everything.

 Get onto it, it’s a cracker of an issue and from a quick scan of the PDF, I promise you that it’s well worth reading.

2 thoughts on “Midnight Echo #5, about to be released into the wild

    1. It looks great Rob, and I’m looking forward to sitting down and devouring it. Congrats on your own publication, too! 🙂

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