If it’s good enough for Tolkien, it’s good enough for me.

I recently shared a bunch of old maps from my journeyman days, and briefly made mention of Tusk, the infamous “telepathic elephants enslave mankind” novel.  The ultimate trunk-story, as it were.  Poking around in these old folders, I also found an old amateur moment, shared here for your amusement.  Yes, I invented a language for my elephant race.  Not only that, a complex numeric system, and methods and devices for them to write, trunks being less nimble than human fingers.  From memory, I spent WEEKS on this.  Again, a great example of how too much time down the rabbit-hole of Research is not necessarily a good thing. 

This sort of thing is best left to the experts.  Namely, professors in Language and Literature.  If Tolkien saw the following attempt at inventing a written fantasy language, he’d probably roll around in his grave:

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