“Gravesend” Haiku Competition Winners

Well, it’s been a week since I announced the Gravesend haiku competition, and it’s judging time.  There’s been some great entries from a bunch of folks, and I’ve enjoyed them all.  Still, I had to get down the serious business of judging these poems.  I weighed up emotional resonance, usage of seasons, and sneaky Romero references, but mostly I counted syllables 🙂

Without further ado, the winners are:

Nature upended,
now snowflakes curl on undead
flesh; unmelting, still.
-Jess Irwin
Til death do we part;
chewing on my dear wife’s brains
silencing her screams
– Peter M Ball
Skulls are way too hard.
Softest way to get at brains:
through the eye sockets.
– Lisa Hannett

And a bonus winner, because it’s just too awesome, and captures perfectly the true angst of zombie haiku composition:

Brains brains brains brains brains
Brains brains brains brains brains brains brains
Brai- ai- ai-ai-ns
-Lee Battersby

Your zombielicious copies of “After the World: Gravesend” will be in the post shortly.  Congratulations!

ETA:  Because he’s a classy haiku-loving kind of guy, Peter M Ball has donated his prize back into the contest.  Here’s a poem that narrowly missed out on a spot in the top 3, which I’m now pleased to add to the winner’s circle.

Roused to seek fresh meat
As winter freshens the air:
I shall hunt you; hide.

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