Couldn’t have said it better myself

Why yes, I do make use of Google Alerts 🙂

Fellow Aurealis #44 contributor Adam Ford has posted a blog entry about his long years of subbing to the magazine (he sent in a story to issue #1!) and his long-awaited success in selling them a story.  Well done mate, persistence is king.

He’s starting to read the other stories in the issue, and of mine he says:

‘I’ve been loving the stuff I’ve read so far, including Jason Fischer’s batshit insane post-apocalyptic Mad-Max-meets-Gilgamesh “gunning for a tinkerman”.’

BEST QUOTE EVER.  This seriously belongs on a t-shirt, made my flipping day that.  He’s summed the story up better than I ever could.

EDIT: It sure does belong on a t-shirt, behold.

7 thoughts on “Couldn’t have said it better myself

    1. In the perfect world, yes, with proceeds to go to the Adam Ford Drinking Fund 🙂 in reality, it was something I knocked together on one of those t-shirt creation sites.

        1. Scratch that, the t-shirt has been removed from the site due to (get this) infringement of copyright. Warner Bros were apparently unhappy with me putting the words “Mad Max” on a tshirt. They are the ultimate killjoys.

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