Oh boy, we live in exciting times! While I’ve admittedly spent the last few days playing Silent Hill: Downpour, the rest of the time has been flat out. Between hanging out with my awesome family, studying clinical coding and working in an interesting and challenging job, I every now and then (with the firm and wise encouragement of the good Mrs Fisch) get into the study and Get Those Words Down.
I count myself blessed that I get to do this writing thing that I enjoy. It’s a wonderful feeling, sitting down and casting out one’s mind, playing make-believe for hours on end. Even better when you come out of it at the other end, a little bit dazed and in need of a cuppa, with a whole new slab of story to share with other people.
I’m at the part of my career where I’ve always got something on the go, and where I often have to be somewhat cryptic about what I’m working on. Nascent works are delicate things, and if they are commissioned pieces they usually have an embargo attached to them. Also, it’s kind of a jinx thing, as even self-propelled works can mutate and change mid-stream, and then I look back at these blog-posts and feel daft.
Anyway, here’s the current state of play at Fisch Industries:
Currently working on:
- Military Science Fiction novel (collab)
- Cthulhu short story
- Tie-in novella
- Collaboration short story
And here’s the rest of my dance-card, which makes the next 12-18 months pretty flat out:
- YA book (working title “Bossfight”)
- YA book (working title “Ripley Quarterquick”)
- Sequel to Quiver, working title “Hard Nock Life”
- Various short stories (about 6 different ideas, just for me!)
- The Severed Garden (crazy fix-up novel based around my existing Raoul the Minotaur stories, and some new material. Think lots of marginalia, weird plates, poetry, surreal interstitial and transmedia stuff. Dream project that will take as long as it takes)
- Cabalista – self-pubbed flash-fiction antho I want to get off the ground. Will try my hand at illustration, though it will probably involve fummetti and Photoshop 🙂
And everyday, this list of stuff fricken GROWS. I need to win lotto just to get on top of this to-do list 🙂