Best errata ever. I salute you, oh nit-picking nerds.

The comments are where the gold is, almost 300 now, evenly mixed between “who gives a shit” and “you’re still wrong, it was X spaceship”.

(lifted from


YESTERDAY, a article incorrectly stated that the Star Trek starship USS Enterprise-E, otherwise known as model NNC-1701-E, was the successor to Captain Kirk’s original USS Enterprise.  

It has since been brought to our attention that the NNC-1701-E in fact came two models after Captain Kirk retired and was under the command of Captain Jean Luc Picard. 

Read the original, poorly-researched article here 

User “Your Mum’s Lunch” led the charge of those who correctly pointed out that after losing the original Enterprise to the Klingons, Captain Kirk was given the Excelsior Class Enterprise-B as a stop-gap measure until the refit of the Enterprise-A was completed. 

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