The shortlist for the 2010 Australian Shadows Award has just been released, and can be read here:
Basically this is the Aussie version of the Stoker, and has been recognising our growing pool of horror writing talent for quite a few years now. This is the second year that the Shadows have broken entries into three categories: Long Fiction, Edited Publication, and Short Fiction. Previously everything was lumped into one category, and not only has this move resulted in clarity for the awards given, but has suceeded in generating some really strong shortlists.
The added bonus this year is that several awesome folks can be found across the board, meaning that no matter who wins in *any of the categories*, I will most likely be cheering on a buddy or colleague. I’m so pleased for all these folks, and won’t write out a laundry list – you know who you are 🙂
In other news, ascendant Adelaidean Lisa Hannett has just scored herself a mention in Tangent Online’s Recommended Reading List for 2010.
There may be other peeps on here but I was up late and my eyes are playing silly buggers. Well done, Lisa!