For those coming in late, I was fortunate enough to take a six month sabbatical from my employment, with the assistance of an Arts SA project grant and all of the leave I could scrape together. I became a hybrid stay-at-home-dad and a full-time writer. Went through all of the cliched agonies and tribulations that accompany this creative lunacy.
I approached my writing as a job, with deadlines and productivity goals. End result, I came up with approximately 2 novels worth of new material in that time. My grant novel “Papa Lucy and the Boneman” was jolted into its lurching, horrific life. Several write-for-hire projects were vanquished, and in the latter half of 2011 I was one busy beaver.
So what I have found interesting is this: I now cannot enter my study for fun. There was a time when I would quite happily sit in that room, looking at my brag shelf, enjoying the collateral of my writing career. There’s laurels in yon study, and I enjoyed resting on them. This would be followed by a lot of faffing around online (“research”), maybe a game or two, and eventually some writing.
No longer. The moment I walk in and sit in that chair, I feel like it’s game on. Any faffery tends to be done on the iPhone now, or the laptop. It appears that 6 months of strict discipline is not so easy to cast aside. Just an interesting observation!